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Privacy Policy
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

This information is addressed to the membership of the Association in recognition of the requirements of the new GDPR regulations which come into effect 0n 25 May 2018.

The Association has a database, the master copy of which is held by the Secretary with read only access available to certain members for administration purposes. 

The database holds:

  • Name of member
  • His/her address, phone number and email address
  • Club to which the member is currently attached
  • A record of attendance at golf meetings, matches and dinners
  • Similar details of golf clubs the Association has played at.
  • Twice yearly newsletters since 2010

The database is used:

  • To maintain contact with members and manage membership
  • To communicate selection of teams for matches against other societies and clubs and other competitions.

This information is used for internal purposes only and under no circumstance will this data be subject to release to or for sale to external bodies or organisations.

The committee is of the opinion that this statement meets the requirements under the new GDPR legislation and it is inappropriate for members to be approached for permission for the Society to hold this information.

Any member may request a copy of the information held of them and should inform the Secretary of any changes to the information

If any member wishes their information not to be kept on the database they should inform the Secretary who will remove it forthwith.