Captains Corner
Greetings to you all. I am very much looking forward to my year as your Captain and I thank you for electing me. I intend enjoying the year and my hope is that you will as well.
The year starts with the Spring Meeting at Sandy Lodge on the 28 April. This is an excellent course, challenging but enjoyable.
We then have 14 matches against other counties and the Ladies. We also have the Past Captain’s and mixed events, which Rob has kindly agreed to run again this year.
It will be my pleasure to host members and guests at my Captain’s Day in Beaconsfield on the 18 July.
Our Autumn Meeting and AGM will be at Ellesborough on the 12 October.
My Captain’s Tour this year will be to Barnham Broom in Suffolk from 17 to the 20 June. This venue is highly recommended for golf, leisure facilities and accommodation. I hope you can join me there.
I look forward to working with our multi-tasking Vice Captain Peter Short, who thankfully continues as Secretary. I am also lucky to have such a dedicated and capable Committee in Doug, David, John and Rob, immediate past Captain. I would like to compliment Rob on the success of the two newly introduced competitions. Brian Rodgers has come off the committee and he merits all our thanks for his contribution to the association.
As I previously mentioned we have 14 matches this year and I would like to draw attention to support for these matches. I want to especially thank our Match Managers and our band of regular supporters, without these we could not fulfil our fixtures. We need to up this number of regulars and I would ask members to sign up for as many matches as possible. It is quite character building, learning to lose gracefully and on the odd occasion, win ecstatically. I know that there are a lot of demands on golfer’s time, both at club level and domestically. All I ask is do your best and I will guarantee you will be made very welcome.
I would also like to encourage members to suggest to their current Captains that they should think of joining the Association. It is important that we recruit new members to maintain a healthy Association.
Finally I wish you all a very Happy New Year, great golf in 2018 and I hope to meet up with you in the course of the year.