When does a Captain of the Association of Buckinghamshire Golf Captains become Captain?
It’s a bit like the US Presidency, who gets elected in November but doesn’t take office until January. In my case, I was voted in at the AGM, which took place at Woburn Golf Club in October 2019 but, officially, I didn’t become captain until January 2020.
Between October and January, there is not much happening in the Association’s calendar. Before Christmas, letters are sent out to members concerning annual subscriptions and selection for the matches in which they would like to play in the coming year, returning the forms by the end of February. But, essentially, nothing for the Captain or committee to do.
In preparation for my year in office, I was negotiating for my blazer and badge to be made, as I did not want to be the first captain without a burgundy blazer. That done, I went on holiday for three months to Australia and New Zealand, visiting family and partaking in some wonderful experiences.
When I returned, the world had turned upside down. The pandemic had arrived and we were moved into lockdown. I played my last game of golf, before the lockdown, at Oakland Park, at the beginning of March.
The news was bleak. Our Spring Meeting was cancelled along with a few of the early matches. Then matches were cancelled up to the end of June, July and August. Finally, all of our matches were cancelled for the whole year. I was unable to hold my Captain’s Day at Oakland Park, which I was really looking forward to and I had to cancel the planned Captain’s Tour to Dale Hill (more on that later).
As a committee we all wanted at least one get together this year and so we, at least, had our Autumn Meeting played at Sandy Lodge on 15 October. There were 44 attendees and I have never seen so many happy faces, pleased to get together as an Association, playing the game we love. The result was very close with Tony Wallington beating Gerry McSloy on countback with 37 stableford points, whilst John Bailey and Peter Hill came joint third on 36 points.
As Captain, 2020 was not the year for which I signed up. However, the committee has suggested that my captaincy be extended to include 2021. Of course, this has to be agreed by the members at the AGM, which will now be held at the Spring Meeting on 22 April at Sonning Golf Club. I am very pleased to accept this proposal and look forward to a more ‘normal’ year next year.
As well as being your Captain in 2021, I shall remain as the Match Secretary, liaising closely with Peter Short (Hon. Secretary) and Doug Ebdon (Treasurer). We have a committee with a wealth of experience in John Mannering (vice-captain), Tony Jeffries (clothing officer) together with Colin Elwell and Mark Williams. I look forward to working with them for another year.
Finally, returning to my Captain’s Tour at Dale Hill, this takes place on 13–16 June 2021. I would encourage everybody to look at the Dale Hill website:
The facilities are excellent, with two golf courses (one designed by Ian Woosnam), swimming pool and leisure facilities. There are several bars and restaurants and there will be prizes, all for £400/500per person. Please sign up.
2020 Captain