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Secretary’s notes

It is a little odd now writing this as your Secretary so I will try not to repeat things in the Captains Corner. However I must thank David for dealing with the Subs and Match returns this year while I am away on my long holiday.

When you get the formit will show the usual fixture details with the request that you indicate your interest in the respective fixtures by marking the adjacent boxes. Please where able, give some indication that you might be available at short notice, as this is so important when we have to deal with late withdrawals. We will ensure that everyone gets a game. The returns will be used as the basis of team selection in late March so please ensure you respond by the end of January. It is suggested that you enter your requests in your personal diary to avoid the chance of double bookings and the need to consider cancelling if selected later in the year. We could do with a couple more volunteers to be a match manager so please indicate on the form if you wish to be one.

You are also asked to pay your renewal fee for the season and there is a standing order form available on the website for this to make it a little bit easier for the Treasurer.

The annual booklet is now available on the website as usual. You will also see that we have put a privacy statement on the website. We did this last year in response to the changes in data protection. We didn’t really need to do this but felt it was prudent to do so in view of the detail contained in the booklet.


Quite a few members said they were taking a year out last year and I hope they decide to re-join. We recruited less new members than leave each year so it is important to try to recruit more now. Age and illness are a factor but it is important that all of us, and especially the Club Ambassadors, do our bit to encourage new members.


I still get requests for information which is on the website. For example an application form for new members is on the front page. Also all the information for the matches is on each match which always start at 1pm with lunch at 12 and any difference will be notified. Phone numbers and email addresses are in the Booklet in the memberdowmloads section. The newsletters are available on the front page and go back for a few years.

Finally please contact me if you have any concerns, issues or requests and I will do what I can to ensure the continuing smooth running, tradition and success of the Association.

Peter Short – Secretary


The 20 most important changes to the rules of golf 2019

  1. Search time • reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes
  2. Ball moved during search • replace no penalty
  3. Embedded ball • free relief anywhere through the course
  4. Measuring a drop • use longest club (except putter)
  5. Dropping • drop from knee height rather than shoulder
  6. Taking stance on wrong green is not permitted
  7. Ball unintentionally hits player or equipment • no penalty
  8. Double hit • no penalty. Now only counts as the 1 stroke
  9. Touching sand in bunker incidentally is permitted
  10. Loose impediments can be removed anywhere including hazards
  11. Dropping a ball out of bunker • 2 penalty strokes
  12. Water hazards • now called "penalty areas"
  13. Touching ground in penalty area • no penalty
  14. Ball moves on green after being marked • replace without penalty
  15. Ball accidentally moved on putting green • replace no penalty
  16. All damage to green can now be repaired
  17. Positioning a club for alignment is not permitted
  18. Caddie assisting with alignment is now not permitted
  19. Putting with flag stick in hole is now permitted
  20. Ball wedged against flag stick and side of hole is deemed as holed