AGM 2015
Notice is hereby given that the 36th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Buckinghamshire Golf Captains will take place at The Buckinghamshire Golf Club on Monday 19 October 2015 at approximately 5pm prior to the dinner.
Peter Short – Honorary Administration Secretary – August 2015
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the 35th Annual General Meeting
- Matters arising
- Captain’s report
- Financial reports
- Elections of Officers and Committee
Brian Rodgers, proposed by Doug Ebdon, seconded by Peter Short
Rob Southerden, proposed by Brian Rodgers, seconded by Doug Ebdon
Honorary Secretary
Peter Short, proposed by Derek Williams, seconded by Doug Ebdon
Honorary Match Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Derek Williams, proposed by Doug Ebdon, seconded by John Pettitt
J Hardcastle, Gerry Cotter proposed by John Pettitt, seconded by Peter Short - Any other business, please give advance warning if possible
Minutes of the 2014 AGM
held at BEACONSFIELD GOLF CLUB on 22 October 2014
PRESENT: John Pettitt (Captain), Doug Ebdon (V Captain), D Williams (Treasurer), John Hardcastle, Brian Rodgers, Rob Southerden and 39 members.
The Captain of Beaconsfield GC Simon Dodd, welcomed the members and hoped they had had a good day. The Captain, John Pettittt then welcomed members to the AGM.
The following members had sent apologies to the Secretary. P Short, N Rathbone, P Atwell, T Simpson, D Yorke, D Ball, B Reynolds, A Wicks, A Wells, S Rivett, J Mannering, G Cotter, D Messenger, I Corse.
The Captain reported that these had been circulated to all members in Newsletter 46 and further copies were available if required. Therefore these minutes would not be read out unless requested.
As there were no requests, the Captain asked for approval of these minutes as a true record. Proposed by D Ebdon and Seconded by M Morris and approved unanimously.
If you have read your emails you will have seen my Captain’s Corner in the recent newsletter when I said that luckily we had three home matches with which to make good this year’s record in matches won. We didn’t travel well as a team and it is possible we were even worse at home. Thank goodness we don’t make our living at this game. The final tally is just one home match won and one away match won, one abandoned through bad weather; we came second in all the rest. Sadly we didn’t field a full team on two consecutive matches which was very disappointing. But it is not about winning is it? It’s the taking-part that’s important. Well I hope you enjoyed the days of golf, the company of fellow golfers and the courses, the majority of which were 100 years old or more. We were privileged to play so many venerable and historic places.
We took our rightful 4th place in the 4CN when hosting the event at Flackwell Heath but managed a runners-up position at 4CS away at The Broadway where we took the Individual Prize.
It appears that we have the fewest number of members of all the Counties we play; this might account for our lack of competitiveness. I regret to say that I haven’t been able to commit time to recruitment this year as I have a day job as well but the Committee intend to address the problem next year and will be introducing a new event in the autumn specifically intended to bring new members in. Doug will tell you more about this and I do hope you will support the initiative.
The Highlights of 2014 for me include the Tour to Lithuania for a special few who took part and of course the Annual Dinner at Harleyford. I greatly enjoyed putting that together especially the moment when Sir Steve Redgrave brought in the Ryder Cup into the Pavilion to great applause and appreciation. I didn’t know until the day before that we were going to have it as Sam Torrance had it at an event he was hosting the same day. Fortunately it was couriered over to us in time.
I would like to thank all the Committee for their support and efforts throughout the year, John, Rob, and Brian who has looked after the Clothing Portfolio. Ken has now happily settled in Cambridge and retires after 6 years of service on the committee. Derek has continued to act as our Guardian of the Finances and keeping us on the right path to prosperity. Peter is the real organiser and is the reason the Association runs so smoothly. He works tirelessly (unless he is on a well-earned cruise) to arrange matches and venues, and makes sure everyone pays on time. We owe him a huge debt of thanks. Finally we come to Doug who has been faultless as my Vice Captain and has been invaluable as a sounding –board and supporter. Doug, I wish you all the very best for next year when you step up to playing the first match rather than the last. I do hope you have at least as enjoyable year as I have had.
The accounts for the year to 31 August 2014 had been circulated and the Treasurer highlighted some key points. The Association had incurred a surplus on the year of £5512, despite lower subscriptions and lower profit on clothing sales which reflected the low number of new members in 2014. The bank balance at 31 August was £17257, but it was now closer to £14000 due to costs since August and deposits paid for 2015 matches.
There were no questions and approval of the accounts was proposed by Roger Harman and seconded by David Balfour and carried unanimously.
The Captain introduced the Captain elect Doug Ebdon from Gerrards Cross GC. Proposed by John Pettitt and seconded by Peter Short.
Approval for the appointment was sought from the membership present and carried unanimously. The chain of office was duly handed over to Doug.
The new Captain thanked John for his leadership during the past year. It had been at all times energetic, positive and innovative, with the dinner being much talked about by all who attended. He then presented the Past Captains Badge to the outgoing Captain and on behalf of all the members John was thanked sincerely.
The nomination is – John Hardcastle proposed by John Pettitt and seconded Ken Heaver. The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.
The nomination is – Peter Short, proposed by Doug Ebdon and seconded by Roger Warren. The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.
Remaining Vacant
The nomination is – Derek Williams proposed by Phil Price seconded by Roy Matthews. The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.
The Nominations are – Rob Southerden, Brian Rodgers. Proposed by John Pettitt, seconded by John French. The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously. The Retiring Captain John Pettitt remains on the Committee for a further year.
The Captain explained that we wished to open up membership to all Golf Clubs in Buckinghamshire affiliated to the EGU and that the current para 7 restricted it to the clubs named in the Constitution. This would give the ability to recruit from many more clubs and be in line with other County Associations.
Proposed that the Constitution be amended to include all Golf Clubs as stated above – Proposed by Ken Heaver, seconded by John Pettitt – carried unanimously.
1. Rob Southerden raised the possibility of a singles knockout competition and offered to run it if approved. On a show of hands there was insufficient support for the proposal.
2. On behalf of the Secretary Doug Ebdon reported:
a) The Hertfordshire match would not take place in future as suggested by Hertfordshire, as we played them in the 4 Counties North competition. The trophy would be played for within that competition.
b) A pair’s competition is being planned in 2015 to replace the Hertfordshire match with promotion of the Association to new members being the key reason.
c) The match manager system had worked well in 2014 and volunteers are requested for 2015.
3. Doug Ebdon informed members that in view of declining numbers the 2015 dinner would be combined with his Captains Day to take place at Gerrards cross on 24 July 2015.
4. Doug Ebdon announced that the Association Tour would be on 20 to 23 June 2015 based at Hawkstone Park in Shropshire. There were 2 well respected courses where we would play 3 rounds with a further game at Astbury GC on the way home. The cost would be around £320.
Doug closed by saying how much he was looking forward to the coming year.
There being no other business the Captain closed the meeting and advised members that the 37th AGM will be held at The Buckinghamshire Golf Club on Monday 19 October 2015.