Administration and Match
Secretary’s notes
Another successful year for the Association has now passed and I wish you all Best Wishes for the New Year and a successful 2017 under the leadership of our new Captain Rob Southerden.
David Liston will be shadowing as Match Secretary in 2017 so there will be a few changes to the normal routine. We will be continuing with the match manager system which is working well and we hope to use the same ones for each county each year, but if you haven’t done one yet and would like to be included please fill in the box on the subs form or let me know. Also with Doug taking over as Treasurer all payments by cheque should go to him in future and this will be indicated on the match forms. More of you are paying online which saves on postage and if you want to do so in future the bank details are on the subs form.
Looking at the season ahead, you will also get with this newsletter the annual booklet, the usual fixture details with the request that you indicate your interest in the respective fixtures by marking the adjacent boxes and where able, give some indication that you might be available at short notice, as this is so important when we have to deal with late withdrawals. We will ensure that everyone gets a game. The returns will be used as the basis of team selection in late March and if you wish Rob to consider you please ensure you respond by the end of January. It is suggested that you enter your requests in your personal diary to avoid the chance of double bookings and the need to consider cancelling if selected later in the year.
You are also asked to pay your renewal fee for the season and there is a standing order form available on the website for this to make it a little bit easier for the Treasurer.
There was good intake of new members in 2016 but our numbers remain around 140 with a good 30 or so not actually playing. Age and injuries are a factor so it is important to keep recruiting the new Captains each year and trying to get more past captains to join. This is the role of the club Ambassadors but thanks to others of you who have got new members for us last year. Also as discussed at the AGM we have recruited 2 ex captains from other counties who are now playing in our clubs and I will amend the Constitution to make this a clearer eligibility.
I still get requests for information which is on the website. For example an application for new members is on the front page. Also all the information for the matches is on each match which always start at 1pm with lunch at 12 and any difference will be notified. Phone numbers and email addresses are in the Booklet in the memberdowmloads section. The newsletters are available on the front page and go back for a few years.
Finally please contact me if you have any concerns, issues or requests and I will do what I can to ensure the continuing smooth running, tradition and success of the Association.
Peter Short – Secretary