AGM 2019
Notice is hereby given that the 40th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Buckinghamshire Golf Captains will take place at Woburn Golf Club Wednesday 23 October 2019 at approximately 4pm prior to the dinner.
Peter Short – Honorary Administration Secretary – September 2019
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of the 39th Annual General Meeting
- Matters arising
- Captain’s report
- Financial reports
- Elections of Officers and Committee
David Liston, proposed by Peter Short, seconded by Doug Ebdon
John Mannering, proposed by David Liston seconded by Peter Short Honorary Secretary
Peter Short, proposed by David Liston, seconded by Doug Ebdon
Honorary Match Secretary
Stuart Rivett, proposed by Peter Short, seconded by John Mannering
Honorary Treasurer
Doug Ebdon, proposed by David Liston, seconded by Peter Short
Mark Williams , Tony Jefferies and Colin Elwell proposed by Doug Ebdon and Seconded by John Mannering - Any other business, please give advance warning if possible
PRESENT: Gerry Cotter (Captain)Rob Southerden (Past Captain) Doug Ebdon (Treasurer) Peter Short (Secretary), David Liston( Match Secretary), John Mannering and 33 members.
The Captain, Gerry Cotter welcomed members to the AGM.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: The following members had sent apologies to the Secretary. R Harman. M Williams, A Wells, D Ball, J Brooke, J Dixon, J Hilton,I Smithie, R Jones, G Wilson, and T Wallington.
2. MINUTES OF THE 38th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD AT HAREWOOD DOWNS GC ON 12 OCTOBER 2017. The Captain reported that these had been circulated to all members in Newsletter No 54 and further copies were available if required. Therefore these minutes would not be read out unless requested.
As there were no requests, the Captain asked for approval of these minutes as a true record. Proposed by John Pettitt and Seconded by Gordon Bull and approved unanimously.
Not much of a positive nature to add since the Autumn newsletter – match statistics are there for all to see Win 2 – Draw 2 – Lose 7. If we take a football analogy it appears that we have focussed our efforts on Cups rather than League. Last year we won 4 Counties South and this year we won 4 Counties North, both achievements to be proud of.
Maybe next year Peter and his team will revert to trying to win the league.
Our Spring Meeting was at Sandy Lodge in April. This was an early introduction to conditions that we would experience through the year. Congratulations to the winner Steve Ball with 35 points.
Our match with the Ladies at Oakland Park was again very successful.
Congratulations to Peter Short and Joan Murphy, the winners.
My Captain’s Tour to Barnham Broom was blessed with great weather, nice courses and accommodation. Congratulations to Tony Jeffries for winning the Miner’s Lamp.
The Past Captain’s competition, again organised by Rob, was played at Mid Herts.
Congratulations to the winner Roger Warren.
My Captain’s Day at Beaconsfield in July was well supported and enjoyed by all.
Well done Rob on your win with a great score of 42 points.
I am indebted to my wife Catherine, for providing such fine fare at the halfway hut. Likewise to the club catering staff for such a fine meal.
A nice feature of my year was invitations to other County Captain’s dinners. I made a lot of friends, whom I will hopefully meet again at various matches. I must say, though, that had I known that many of these dinners took place during Lent, I would not have given up alcohol. Have you tried to sit through some long, and sometimes not too interesting speeches without a drink?
On membership, we need to maintain efforts at recruitment. We are a small association relative to other counties, so it’s vital that we keep our numbers up.
Club Ambassadors have an important role to play in this.
I want to thank Peter Hill for his generosity in providing a splendid new trophy. It’s yet to be decided which match it will be played for.
I would like to thank my committee for all the work they do behind the scene.
Peter Short, Secretary/Vice Captain, Doug Ebdon Treasurer, David Liston Match Manager, John Mannering Clothing Officer, Mark Willliams and Rob Southerden Committee.
A very special word of thanks to Rob Southerden, who retires from the Committee this year. Rob has made a very valuable contribution to the Association in his 5 years both as Captain and committee member. He has successfully introduced 2 new competitions and will have ongoing involvement in sourcing a reasonably priced blazer.
Thanks again Rob and enjoy your retirement.
To Peter Short Vice Captain, a man with the Association in his DNA, a man who knows more about the running of the Association than anyone else, I wish you all the best in your Captain’s year. I have no doubt you will have a great year.
I would like to thank our individual Match Managers, who tirelessly pursue team filling, despite late withdrawals and shortage of reserves. I would like to thank our members who volunteer for matches. We need more of you for the future.
It has been an honour to be your Captain and I will treasure many happy memories of my year.
5 FINANCIAL REPORT – The accounts had been circulated in the newsletter
Doug Ebdon, Treasurer, briefly introduced the accounts, for the year to the
31st August 2018, which had been circulated to members with the AGM notice.
He was pleased to report that two members had made contact about the figures,
particularly so as it meant somebody had looked at them!!
The surplus for the year was £3178 against a loss the previous year of £3207.
Reserves at the close of the year were £22910 representing a strong position for
an organization of our nature. As mentioned previously we now sought to break
even on sales of clothing and this was reflected in the small £40 profit.
The Committee was examining ways of utilising our reserves over time by
prudent subsidy of meeting costs etc..
There were no questions and approval of the accounts was proposed by Brian Rodgers and seconded by Bill Shanks and carried unanimously.
The Captain introduced the Captain Elect Peter Short from Chiltern Forest GC. Proposed by Gerry Cotter and seconded by Doug Ebdon.
Approval for the appointment was sought from the membership present and carried unanimously. The chain of office was duly handed over to Peter.
The new Captain thanked Gerry for being a superb ambassador for the Association during the past year. He mentioned the 4 Counties North win and that we had not provided Whiskey Glasses as prizes and that Gerry had been upset about this. So he then presented Gerry with an engraved Whiskey Glass commemorating his being Captain and winning the competition.He also mentiond his tour would be at Belton Woods in June and all would be welcome. He then presented the Past Captains Badge to the outgoing Captain and on behalf of all the members Gerry was thanked sincerely.
The nomination is David Liston proposed by Peter Short and seconded Rob Southerden
The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.
The nomination is – Peter Short, proposed by David Liston and seconded by Doug Ebdon
The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.
The nomination is: David Liston, proposed by Peter Short and seconded by John Mannering.
The nomination is – Doug Ebdon proposed by David Liston and seconded by Peter Short.
The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.
The Nominations are –John Mannering, Mark Williams,Tony Jefferies and Colin Elwell. Proposed by Rob Southerden, seconded by Gerry Cotter.
The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.
The Retiring Captain Gerry Cotter remains on the Committee
There being no other business the Captain closed the meeting and advised members that the 40th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held at Woburn Golf Club on Wednesday 23 October 2019.