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Treasurer’s Report on the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 August 2019

The Association accounts show a small loss for the year of £1059.This is a welcome reduction in the normal shortfall of income against expenditure in a year which has a greater number of home games than away. Taking the last 2 years together it shows a surplus of £2119.
I mentioned at our AGM last year that your committee has been seeking ways of applying some of the Associations healthy reserves. The AGM meeting on 23 October is the second time when members will receive a subsidised fee for an event and will be a cost to the Association of around £1000.

Our accounting year ends on 31 August and in order to come away from the 2 year cycle of profit and loss caused by the timing of the home and away matches I am proposing to change this next year to 31 December. This will mean a change to the reporting of the accounts to members which we will discuss further at our Committee.

We remain in a healthy financial position and I seek your support and APPROVAL of the accounts and the PROPOSED change to the year end date of 31 December.

Doug Ebdon
Hon Treasurer

Annual Accounts 2018/9

Year ended 31 August 2019




BALANCE SHEET at 31 August 2019