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AGM 2014

Notice is hereby given that the 35th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Buckinghamshire Golf Captains will take place at the Beaconsfield Golf Club on Wednesday 22 October 2014 at approximately 5pm prior to the dinner.

Peter Short – Honorary Secretary – August 2014


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the 34th Annual General Meeting
  3. Matters arising
  4. Captain’s report
  5. Financial reports
  6. Elections of Officers and Committee
    Doug Ebdon, proposed by John Pettitt, seconded by Peter Short
    John Hardcastle, proposed by John Pettitt, seconded by Ken Heaver
    Honorary Secretary
    Peter Short, proposed by John Pettitt, seconded by Doug Ebdon
    Honorary Match Secretary
    Honorary Treasurer
    Derek Williams, proposed by Doug Ebdon, seconded by John Pettitt
    J Hardcastle , Rob Southerden and Brian Rodgers, proposed by John Pettitt, seconded by Peter Short
  7. Any other business, please give advance warning if possible

Minutes of the 2013 AGM
held at Gerrards Cross Golf Club on 24 October 2013

PRESENT: Ken Heaver (Captain), John Pettitt (V.Captain), Peter Short (Hon Secretary), Derek Williams (Treasurer), Doug Ebdon , John Hardcastle and 46 members

 The Captain of Gerrards Cross Gerry McSloy welcomed the members to Gerrards Cross and hoped they had had a good day. The Captain, Ken Heaver then welcomed members to the AGM.


The Secretary read out the names of the following members who had apologised. P Agius, Derek Hill, Ed Fraser, Roger Warren, Stuart Rivett, Keith Bryant, Roger Harman, John Mannering, John Pool, Bob Clift, Nick Rathbone.


The Captain reported that these had been circulated to all members in Newsletter No 44 and further copies were available if required. Therefore these minutes would not be read out unless requested.

As there were no requests, the Captain asked for approval of these minutes as a true record. Proposed by J Ketley and Seconded by M Morris and approved unanimously.




Last month’s newsletter carried my report for the first part of the year. Since compiling that report more matches have been played all away from home. It is now patently obvious that the good golfers of Buckinghamshire do not travel well because the best that we could do was a draw in Oxfordshire. All the other matches ended with us in second place. This leaves us with a final record of Won 4 Drawn 1 Lost 7 and very few Trophies to engrave and polish. The two Four Counties matches showed us at our best and worst. We were fourth in the Northern Game but we won the Southern one for the first time for 21 years.

To be Captain of the Association in 2013 has been a truly enjoyable and unforgettable experience. The golf has varied from the brilliant to have you ever played before? The weather did the same from a very wet Lambourne with the Ladies in May to one of the warmest and driest summers on record. The various Courses that we have played have invariably been in excellent condition and we have been well fed and met many other likeminded golfers. The greatest pleasure to me has been the friendliness of the other members of the Association and that of our various opponents.

The year would not have run so smoothly without the input of your Committee and in particular Peter Short. He makes sure that all T’s are crossed and all I’s are dotted to ensure that at each meeting nothing is left to chance. Thank you, Peter, for all your hard work. Doug has been busy clothing as many of you as possible so that even if we don’t win at least we look the part. Our Treasurer, Derek, has once more ensured that we can pay our bills. John has run the ball sweeps at our meetings to cover some of our expenses. We will find more work for him next year. Finally as Captain you need an excellent back up and I have been very lucky in having tremendous support from John who has made an ideal Vice Captain. Going from last to first in the matches I’m sure you will find a pleasure John. I hope that next year is as enjoyable for you as this year has been for me.

Last but not least, today is Roger’s last day on the Committee because he leaves it after 6 years’ service. Thank you Roger.


The year ended 31 August 2013 may be considered a financial success as it resulted in only a small loss of £243. Considering the greater number of home fixtures in this year it is a very welcomed outcome and was mainly due to the increase in match fee to £55 agreed at last year’s AGM. However annual subscriptions were again lower than the previous year, but this was partially offset by a further reduction in administration expenses and an increase in the profit from the sale of clothing. A bank balance of £14k was reported. Proposed by Ian Smithie, seconded by David Balfour and carried unanimously.



The Captain introduced the Captain elect John Pettitt from HarleyfordGC.
Proposed by Ken Heaver and seconded by Peter Short.

Approval for the appointment was sought from the membership present and carried unanimously. The chain of office was duly handed over to John.

The new Captain thanked Ken for a splendid year and for having good weather throughout and in particular for winning the 4 Counties South for the first time in 22 years. He then presented the Past Captains Badge to the outgoing Captain.


The nomination is ,Doug Ebdon was proposed by John Pettitt and seconded Roger Warren. The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.


The nomination is – Peter Short, proposed by Ken Heaver and seconded by Doug Ebdon.

The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.


Remaining Vacant


The nomination is – Derek Williams proposed by Roger Warren seconded by John Pettitt.

The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.


3 Nominations – John Hardcastle, Rob Southerden, Brian Rodgers. Proposed by Ken Heaver, seconded by Roger Warren.

The Captain asked for approval. Carried unanimously.

The Retiring Captain Ken Heaver remains on the Committee for a further year.

The new members Rob Southerden, and Brian Rodgers were welcomed to the Committee by Ken Heaver.


The Captain explained that we wished to open up membership to all Golf Clubs in Buckinghamshire affiliated to the EGU and that the current para 7 restricted it to the clubs named in the Constitution. This would give the ability to recruit from many more clubs and be in line with other County Associations.

Proposed that the Constitution be amended to include all Golf Clubs as stated above – Proposed by Ken Heaver, seconded by John Pettitt – carried unanimously.


John Pettitt said what an honour it was to become your new Captain mentioned that the opening meeting would be at Calcot Park on 24 April 2014 and that his tour would to Lithuania in June. The Annual Dinner would be at Harleyford on 21 March with Richard Hills and Steve Rider as guest speakers.

There being no other business the Captain closed the meeting and advised members that the 35th AGM will be held at Beaconsfield Golf Club on Wednesday 22 October 2014.