Treasurer’s Report on the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 August 2018
I am delighted to report that our Association realised a surplus of £3,178 on the year to 31st August 2018. This is in contrast to a deficit of £3,603 in the previous year and reflects the greater number of away matches in 2017/2018.
We continue to maintain a strong financial position with reserves at 31st August 2018 of £22,910. While the year 2018/19 is one which holds more home matches, with their inevitable costs, I anticipate our reserves will still remain at a very adequate level for our requirements.
Doug Ebdon
Hon Treasurer
Annual Accounts 2017/8
Year ended 31 August 2018
Income |
2017/8 |
2016/7 |
Expenditure |
2017/8 |
2016/7 |
£ |
£ |
£ |
£ |
Subscriptions |
2176 |
2328 |
Admin Costs |
612 |
333 |
Bank Interest |
2 |
2 |
Prizes less ball sweep |
(72) |
63 |
Clothing sales profit |
40 |
145 |
Surplus/Deficit on matches |
3462 |
(3285) |
Cost of internal meetings |
1962 |
2397 |
------------- |
----------- |
------------- |
------------ |
Total |
5680 |
(810) |
Total |
2502 |
2793 |
------------- |
---------- |
Total Income |
(5680) |
810 |
------------- |
------------ |
(Profit)/Loss |
(3178) |
3603 |
------------- |
--------- |
BALANCE SHEET at 31 August 2018
2018 |
2017 |
£ |
£ |
Bank Balance |
20786 |
15718 |
Clothing Stock |
3936 |
4826 |
Golf Ball Stock |
0 |
323 |
Sundry Debtors |
50 |
870 |
------------- |
------------ |
Total |
24772 |
21737 |
Less Creditors |
1862 |
2005 |
------------ |
---------- |
22910 |
19732 |
------------ |
----------- |
Reserves B/F |
19732 |
23335 |
Profit /(Loss)on year |
3178 |
(3603) |
----------- |
----------- |
22910 |
19732 |
----------- |
---------- |